Holistic Health: We are an exquisite balance of four elements: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each of these affects the other, and thus our journey as a whole. My approach honors the profound role that both the material and non-material parts of us play in creating our healthiest and grandest self.
Unconditional Love / Non-Judgment: I only work in a space of total acceptance and unconditional love, qualities that are mutually exclusive of judgment. I embody these qualities with every client to create a “judgment-free zone” so that they feel completely safe, regardless of their background, belief system, or what they share in session.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: My intention and focus is direct: discovering the key issues and root causes of a client’s challenge(s) in order to bring clarity and healing as effectively as possible.
Divine Oneness: Through my years of exploration, countless transcendent experiences have convinced me that we are intimately connected to a benevolent, ‘higher’ level of existence home to a greater power than we can usually tangibly see. I experience it as the Universal Source of love, life, wisdom, and power for all beings, regardless of personal belief systems or institutional affinity. By invoking this Divine assistance with clients, I witness a magnification of positive results that far exceeds what I could do on my own. A beautiful quality of this energy is that my clients themselves do not have to believe in it or adhere to any specific belief system.
A Partnership of Empowerment: At our cores, we are all beautiful Divine beings with access to the highest wisdom available. So, I believe in a process of ‘healing partnership’ – using the wisdom inherent in each of us to guide us through growth and healing. While information often comes through me that I am called to offer clients, my ultimate goal is to fully awaken and empower the mastery that lies within us all.
Personalization: While science and spirituality have shown that we are all ultimately connected in oneness, each of our backgrounds and personalities make us unique. So, at the heart of my practice is a commitment to deep listening and full understanding, essential prerequisites for creating paths forward that speak directly to each person’s heart and journey.
Balancing ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’: Central to our busy world is a focus on ‘doing-ness’ and achievement. As a result, it’s easy to get consumed in our mental selves – lost in our thinking minds that never seem to cease (often even when trying to sleep). As a believer in research and science, I honor the role our powerful minds play in our journey. Yet, I believe it essential to balance that with the energies and gifts of the heart and soul.
Explore my various Services to see what might be best for you.