Holistic Healing
The Mystery of the Seminary Rash I was once working with a man in seminary who had developed a strange rash on his legs. He had gone to various doctors and done many tests, yet no one could diagnose the source of the problem. It was a mystery that baffled the medical experts. So, he came to me for help. During our session, he revealed that he was not happy with his life in seminary. Throughout the first few months at school, he had questioned a number of theological issues with his teachers and peers. Yet, instead of feeling welcomed and supported, he felt widespread resistance - even derision - for his sincere attempts at understanding. The resulting hurt feelings and self-doubt caused him to go into a deep depression as he struggled with the core of his identity on his spiritual journey. The pieces of the mystery quickly came together, and I sensed the cause of the problem. In holistic healing, legs often represent not feeling supported in life, while our skin can represent issues related to our belief systems and/or spiritual journey. With that in mind, his ailment became clear. I shared this with him, and he immediately began to cry, saying that felt right on. We did some mental and emotional clearing, and finished the session with a bit of energy work. As he left, he said he felt much lighter...better than he had in months. Within days, his rash disappeared, never to return. While most healing instances are not as black-and-white (and relatively simple) as this, it shows the profound connection and impact that all aspects of our being can have on each other…and the powerful healing that can happen once we bring them back into balance with awareness and love. |